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Post of the year
Very simply, what has been your favourite post this year.
Mine was, hands down, Bingo Little’s post on the hard rubbish thread. Specifically about Rhashak Malviv. Please read here: – the Afterword’s premiere skengman really delivered the goods here.
I’ve done one!
This is one of two albums I made during the lockdown. It’s available on all the major streaming services. Digital Blues by Blue Grey. The second one is out on Friday 19th November.
Have we reached ‘peak silly’?
I feel that the world is becoming sillier, but maybe has reached a limit. For example band/act names. We had Pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs on here a couple of days ago. Then there’s the rapper Pooh Shiesty. Let’s hope he doesn’t release his own range of fragrances soon. Hard to imagine what his ‘turn’ is.
It’s not just band names, I’m sure there are plenty of other examples of peak silly..?
Afterword Nerd Facts
This thread is a compendium of niche and obscure facts about the fab world of pop music that are not widely known. It may get you out of trouble in a pub quiz one day.
My staggering fact is that the only Pink Floyd album that only has members of Pink Floyd playing on it is Animals. There are either uncredited or credited guests. Meddle almost qualified, but Seamus the Dog is on it.
(I fully expect lots of ‘Thelonius Monk lived in a 13-dimensional house’, ‘Vardis invented Yarg cheese’, and all the usual ones)
I told you I was ill – a cautionary tale
One of the hardest things to do is admit you’re sick. Not just feeling a bit ‘off’, but properly sick, in a life-threatening way. We hear so much about ‘man flu’ and we live in a culture of presenteeism and hustle, where the only way out is through. Keep pushing, and your determination will see you through.
It’s over three years since I started to get properly sick, and I’m still dealing with it, and actually it seems that I might have had an underlying condition for a while longer that wasn’t spotted. Looking back, I just didn’t know how to say how I was feeling, not really, and it’s hard when you have a reputation for resilience and reliability.
If I go right back, somewhere in about 2007-2008 something started to go wrong. I suddenly got arthritis in both hips, reducing my mobility almost overnight. X-rays confirmed that it was significant, but I got advised that I was too young for a hip replacement and got physio that managed to overcome some of the worst aspects of it. Other things started to go wrong too; whilst on a vacation in The country I rolled out of bed, and ‘something’ » Continue Reading.
A simple idea for a thread. Post a song that is connected to the one before it. Explain how it’s connected. I will start.