I need some help with my New Year’s Resolution: converting non-copyright DVDs to another, more portable, format.
Last year, I got all our old home movie video tapes converted to DVD.
This year, I’ve loaded all the old family digital photos to iCloud and would like to do the same with the DVDs. The idea being that a) that’s the family photo/video archive backed up and b) I can give the kids a copy.
Photos are pretty straightforward but not so the DVDs. I’d like to covert them into a format that’s easier to archive (ie single files) and to watch on ipads, laptops,phones etc. and to stream to the TV.
Unfortunately, I find myself at somewhat of a loss as to how best to go about this. Fortunately, this place is chock full of people who are cleverer than me.
So: what format would people recommend converting into and what software would you recommend to do it?
All suggestions gratefully received.