Today Fiction Romantic found himself in a mental hospital, not for the first time, but this was different. You could tell by the posters on the wall and all the telephone numbers (I even have some more of those now!).
This is the ballad of Fiction Romantic and how it came to this sorry state. Fast rewind to the early eighties when your correspondent was 17 years old. This was Thatcher’s Britain for any youngsters reading this. After leaving college, having spent more time drinking than studying, and gained a single ‘O’ level to add to the three I left school with (sociology if you were wondering) I joined the ever growing dole queue. After a few months largely spent drinking and having a good time (I’m sure money went further in those days) I was offered a place on a YTS scheme, Work Experience on Employers Premises. I duly started in an admin office within a large factory. After a few months (this was a six month placement) and much to our and our “employers” surprise we were told that we would be getting day release for 10 weeks to learn “life skills”, or how to make us look » Continue Reading.