The books thread made me realise, shamefacedly, that I think I’ve only read two books published in 2017 this year.
I recently all but gave up Twitter because it was making me angry and sad, but most importantly because I feel like it’s made me stupid. My attention span is insanely shit these days, and I mostly blame Twitter: hit after hit after hit after short frothy hit. And my book consumption, which used to be pretty voracious, has become really bad. I don’t want to be that bloke who reads 4 books a year or whatever.
Now, I love my phone, and I’m not getting rid, but since I deleted the Twitter app, I’m looking at it way less. Which feels like it’s making me some headspace for books again. Now I just need to find time and energy.
When do you do your reading? I’m too tired and stupid of an evening.