Cameos that add to a song and, arguably, don’t cause irritation!
It to happen so I thought I’d start it off now….
I really like Jenny Lewis and this, one of her older tunes, is helped along by Mr Costello’s voice.
Sixty Years On……
60 years ago (almost) to the day my dad give me 2 records and a Dansette Bermuda record player and, from that day on I was hooked on music. (The records were From Me To You and Scarlet O’Hara) 2 of the Beatles are no longer around and Jet Harris & Tony Meehan are gone too.
I started to wonder which groups from that period could, in theory, could tour/perform once again with their original lineup and, shockingly, I can only think of one! That group is Manfred Mann. Can anyone think of any others?
Sir Brian May
No doubt he will get flack from some but, for once, the ‘honour’ is very much deserved. A very genuine bloke.
More than 40 Licks necessary
I see that the Rolling Stones are being honoured by a series of UK Postage Stamps. That in itself seems fine – I have no opinions on that either way. What does bother me though, unless I have missed something, is that Bill Wyman, Mick Taylor and Brian Jones appear to have been ‘forgotten’ about. If I am correct then, especially in respect of Jones, I think that is quite disappointing.
Just saying……
Eric Clapton is, possibly, even nastier than some people thought!
I saw this earlier today and, if it is true, I am amazed. What the hell is wrong with this man? Actually bothering to have pursued this woman in the first place seems very petty but to actually make her pay the Legal Costs beggars belief. I did see that Robert Cray expressed hatred of Clapton a few weeks back but that was not connected with this case.
Don Everly dead
Sad to hear this news this morning – I am struggling to think of any other influential 1950’s Rock ‘n’ Rollers that are still with us…….off the top of my head Jerry Alison (Cricket’s drummer) is the sole survivor.
Roger Day Boom Radio UK – no, wait, come back!
If any of you enjoyed Radio 2 Sounds of the Sixties until Brian Mathews death a few years ago then you may well enjoy listening to Roger Day’s show at 08.00 on Saturdays. Lots of varied stuff gets played. Actually some of the other stuff on Boom Radio is quite good. Certainly it is not your ‘typical oldies’ station. In fact the music played covers through from the 40’s through to today’s stuff. Give it a try – you might enjoy it!
Des dies
Sad to hear that Des O’Connor has died. He was, arguably, the last of the all round entertainers. He toured the UK with Buddy Holly in March ‘58 and, apparently, they had a great time together.The picture was taken on that tour and shows them together with Joe B from the Crickets in the background (Not sure if the link works!)
R.I.P. Des
David Crosby – broke?
I read an article on Rolling Stone mentioning that David Crosby has cancelled his upcoming tour. No surprise there in the current climate but what does surprise me is his, alleged, lack of money/savings.
Seems that he is virtually skint and, unless he gets some more money in, he will lose his house shortly!
Amazing! He has been around since the 60’s in the Byrds, CSN, CSN & Y, solo, collaborations etc etc but really? NO MONEY? Yes I know he had major drug issues until a few years ago but to me this is unbelievable!
Any thoughts?
Oh no! Even more
I am a bit surprised that no one has picked up on the Abbey Road reissue! Hopefully that means that like me you can’t get too excited about even more outtakes that you will never want to hear more than once!
It seems that even Sir Bongo Starr doesn’t wish to hear them either…..
Ringo Starr Says There Will Indeed Be a Box Set Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of ‘Abbey Road’
Mobile Broadband – help please
We are about to move house and thought it would be nice to do without a landline and so I went for 3’s (Three) current offer of a HUAWEI AI Cube Router – unlimited data, 4g, 24 months contract. It also has Alexa built in and seems to work really well. I am, however, struggling to get my Spotify linked to it and I thought, as it has Alexa it would be straightforward! Any suggestions would be welcome
I should add that after a few hours I have linked my Sonos Play speakers and, whilst I can play music via the Sonos app on my phone I cannot get toto operate via a voice command through the HUAWEI
Mobile Broadband – help please
Mobile Broadband – help please
A second Monkee has gone
Sad to hear that my favourite Monkee has gone…..Peter Tork died today.
This rates as my favourite Monkee song.
Eric Haydock R.I.P
Sad to learn that original bass player in the Hollies has died. Unusually for the time he played a 6 string bass.
With his passing the only ’60’s’ group I can think of whose original members are all still around is Manfred Mann. I may well be wrong about that but it certainly makes me feel very old!
Baby it’s windy outside
Has anyone heard/read about the fuss that is going on over songs that ‘in this age we live in’ are now considered (by some people) to be unexceptable?!?!?
Apparently some Radio station in the States is refusing to play ‘Baby it’s Cold Outside’ as it feels the song’s lyrics suggest that the bloke is trying to get laid whilst the female is saying clearly “no”
Now I see that there are other songs that suddenly seem to be unexceptable to some people including – ‘Fairytale of New York’ because the word faggot is used! ‘Jingle Bells’ apparently has racist origins ‘Do They Know it’s Christmas’ because it doesn’t mention Ethiopia!!!
FFS what is wrong with people?!?
Elvis was in the building
I happened to see that Elvis Costello was on Wednesday night’s One Show (BBC One) so watched it on the iPlayer machine…I did fear it might have been car crash TV ( Matt Baker and Elvis?!?!) Turns out it was mildly interesting and Elvis was quite funny. He was plugging his forthcoming album and, from what I heard, it might be quite good.
I still can’t do the links but a few of you may wish to seek it out.
Slowhand at Christmas
Kinks Konfirm Koncert possibly
I have just seen that Ray has confirmed that the Kinks are getting together again. Can’t seem to do the link to it – sorry!
What do you think? Too late for me I am afraid. What is the point now they are all well in their 70’s! Poor old Pete Quaife will need a miracle to get back on the stage anyway!
No! No! No!
Seems that not content with tampering with Elvis and Roy Orbison the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra are now ruining some of the Beach Boys legacy! Who the hell buys this rubbish?!?!? Brian Wilson is apparently delighted with it.
Sad! Sad! Sad!
Neil Diamond
I know he may not be everyone’s cup of tea but the older I get the more I appreciate many of Neil Diamond’s songs. I am therefore sad to learn that the Sweet Caroline hit maker is now suffering from Parkinson’s Disease and has retired.
A picture paints a thousand words – possibly!
I usually take a look at the BBC Radio Two playlist each week and am often surprised at the pictures they use for the artists featured.
Tonight I am slightly more surprised than usual – maybe it is just me but have a look at the one they have used for Taylor Swift……….(I can’t seem to copy or add it here)
Not All Dead……..yet!
I was just thinking about the music that I grew up with in the 1960’s but, more precisely, about the groups that were popular from ’63,’64 onwards. To my horror i can only think of two bands whose original members are still shuffling around this planet – namely the Hollies and Manfred Mann! I would imagine that there must be others but I can’t think of any…….can anyone think of any?
Not the Knopfler you would normally think of…..