I yield to none in my loathing of all things musical and theatric. To be sure, West Side Story has some cracking tunes (and arguably the best documentary ever made), and as a father of three I love a Disney animated musical: but anything Broadway-oriented or showtunes-centric has me storming the exits.
I’d watched from afar (and ignored) the endless jabber about the power and wonder of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton. But somehow, in a temporary fit of Melbourne lockdown madness, I sat and watched the movie version on Disney+ a couple of weeks ago. And I take it ALL (well, most of it) back.
Blown away. Great story, great fun, reverential hip-hop and genre references throughout, but mainly and mostly just a stunning array of fabulous songs. Can’t get “Wait for It” out of my head, and it’s been a couple of weeks. Similarly “Aaron Burr, Sir” and “My Shot.” Something for everyone. It’s a lot to take in if it’s not your kind of thing, along the lines of 42 songs at breakneck speed, but might just be well worth your while.
Anyone else?