The Power Station, Auckland, NZ
Date: 02/06/2023
In the very character-forming early teen years, if you followed The Damned, you were the serious punk type. Despite the silliness of Captain Sensible, they were a Proper Band who mean it, man. They delivered loud, urgent-sounding music with their fans snarling, gobbing and falling around, thoroughly enjoying the freedom they found.
I liked the music but I didn’t like the thought of pretending to be rebellious. You sort of had to pick a side when you were 13.
As time went by, the acts I went to see couldn’t gob their way out of a paper bag, even if they wanted to – and this was fine by me.
So when a friend suggested seeing The Damned, I had a small pang of reticence but remembered that I am 56 now – those tribal days are over.
There were actual young people stage diving and moshing but no gobbing. My friend and I were reminiscing about that awful practice and he cringed at the memory of NZ audiences gobbing at bands long after the UK audiences had stopped.
It brought to my mind live concert footage » Continue Reading.