Recent postings about Kid Creole has prompted me to revisit this subject and I wake up today keen to put on record my “take” on Annie, I’m Not Your Daddy.
Firstly, it’s a very funny but cruel lyric. Essentially he doesn’t care much for the child and wants to move on with his life without her – and her mother, for that matter. He is telling the young girl (who believes him to be his father), that this cannot be the case.
So what’s my beef with the lyrics as presented online now and in Smash Hits at the time? Well there are three examples:
He explains that her mother had one or two dalliances in Staint-Tropez. She was in search of love “but all she got was you”.
Lyric sheets say “all she got was used” rather than “you” – which spoils the joke because he is directly telling her “all she got was you” meaning that her birth was disappointing.
The Coconuts represent the voice of the child, reacting to the news. According to the printed lyric, they say “Mama’s baby, Papa’s baby”. This is not right – it must be “Mama’s baby’s Papa’s maybe”. My » Continue Reading.