I read an old Smash Hits singles review page today, from 1984. It was curated by one Roy Hay, one of the people that isn’t Boy George in Culture Club. However, it is notable that he shares in the writing credits for all of their biggest songs and Wikipedia tells me the band have sold 50 million records – so he’s done all right.
In this singles review, he ridicules Depeche Modes’s People Are People for having terrible lyrics about war (“People are People so why should it be…you and I should get along so awfully?”). He’s absolutely right on this, by the way. But then, a year or so later – he co-pens “The War Song” with the chorus “War is stupid and people are stupid…”.
That’s not the Sliding Doors moment, though. In that review he mentions that when Vince Clarke left, he seriously considered joining Depeche Mode because he knew them because he was a regular at the venues like Crocs and the Pink Toothbrush, where Depeche Mode performed, pre-fame.
Depeche Mode advertised for Vince’s replacement in the music press and found Alan Wilder. The ad said applicants must be no older than 21. Alan was » Continue Reading.