These have been raging for quite some time and today the 4,000 residents and tourists in Mallacoota in Victoria are standing on the beach – waiting on instructions to wade out to sea because all other options are not available. Can you imagine how horrifying that must be? The footage from there is hellish. A dark red sky at 9am with no signs of any let up.
There may well be people literally in the line of fire reading this. I really hope the ADF or others can get there in good time before more lives are lost.
I’m in the NW suburbs of Sydney, so we’ve been in a smoke haze for the last month. Today’s events in Victoria of course has put that into perspective and we’re very grateful to be out of (and to remain out of) harms way. But we’ve got intensive fires 40 or so kilometres to the north and to the south with no real sign of rain on the horizon. Lots of impassioned outpourings on twitter from my left leaning follows, but there remains mainstream skepticism (TMFTL) toward climate change. The last election (compulsory voting here) was the most recent in a decade of mediocre centre-right parties pandering to “the quiet Australians” so there’s very little to suggest what’s currently happening will be the spur for any forward-thinking in terms of climate change. Something in the Australian psyche sees it as poor form to ‘politicise’ or even discuss the causes of natural disasters as they’re happening (despite the fact that accusing someone of ‘playing politics’ is to play politics).
I’ve had a NYE beer or two so this is a bit of a ramble, but it’s all a bit grim, really. God forbid, i could be in the actual firing line, but the outer ripples, the effect of the fires on what passes for national discourse, it all a bit troubling. No real signs of leadership, only those who follow focus groups and stoke fears of economic catastrophe should we even consider alternative energy sources to coal. The media is complicit of course. Its just such a fucking sad vacuum of leadership, of vision, of compassion. The last decade has been so small minded, virtually indistinguishable political parties knifing their leaders for personal gain. And now the country’s ablaze the cunts are nowhere to be seen.
That all said, we’re safe. My kid are 11 and 5, and I’ve just clocked up what feels like a good decade (and a bit) of parenting.
Hope other Antipodean Afterworders are safe. Happy New Year!
Great post @danp
G’Day DanP,
Happy New Year & Best for 2020. Whilst I agree with a lot you say as an Inner West Syd. resident who had been involved in assisting firies (working for a Water Utility) in late 90’s & early 00’s when the shire & south coast was on fire & I was running water tankers for the RFS refills etc – a lot of this came about because “greenies/councils” etc wanting to “save the enviro” closed down a lot of fire trails due to dirt bike damage& 4 wheel drive enthou’s & garbage rubbish dumpers used them as their personnel space for their illegal activities. With theses closures the enviro blossomed – no back burns – massive amount of fuel available to “the pyro’s” – the governments state & fed & local councils appear to heed/listen to the loudest voice – NOT necessarily the RIGHT voice, therefore we are now where as you say”cunts are nowhere…” there used to be a saying for “every action-there is a reaction” NOW I’m changing it to “for every NON action we can expect “Catastrophe”. I won’t jump on the “climate change” bandwagon per se – Just to say for fuck’s sake get a real life-Bushfires are caused by lightening strikes & fuckwit arsonist/pyros – there was lightening strikes LONG BEFORE the invention of matches/lighters etc. This country’s original inhabitants had the right idea way back 1,000’s of year ago when they “Backburned” for their existence/livelihood etc.There is a need for “Environmental Protection” that is why all “Authorities” have protocols in place to protect environment such “as sandbags in gutters to protect from dirty water discharge run offs”. I do NOT advocate “vote green” BECAUSE not enough research/planning goes into their flagship call. If property owners & Rural Fire Services had the right to “backburn” & “clear their Land” of potential dangerous FUEL – we would NOT be anywhere near the Catastrophe we are in. All well and good to preserve our historical (should it be histerical) buildings etc – preserve our heritage by all means – BUT look at what some of the ORIGINAL OCCUPANTS/LANDOWNERS” did to preserve theirs. NOW do I get on to the issue of “COAL” of course I DO!!! Dig it up & sell it to those who want it – keeps Aussies in jobs provides income to Aus. – if we don’t do it – someone else will come in & take it over (we will it sell out to the lowest bidder- the usual response) & then they will reap the benefits of one of our “golden” resources. We live in a great country here in Aus. it is a pity that we have from time to time “fuckwits” running it – YES it is/was the “majority vote” that puts them in charge – therefore let your young ‘uns learn from our “mistakes” & correct it for their kids future. To ALL people everywhere may your God Bless You(Whoever She/He maybe) God Help you & God keep you save from all adversities/disasters that the world may present.
Happy New Year 2020 to all.
“Here endeth the Lesson”
Meanwhile just down the road at Bondi beach there’ll be the usual throngs of backpackers getting obliterated and being rescued from the sea. And all round the harbour “revellers” are gathering to watch a $6.5million fireworks display! The south coast is still on fire and power and telecommunications are down. It’s like some vision of an apocalyptic hell.
I’ve come to the conclusion that governments are not going to do anything – just fiddle whilst Rome burns. Lip service aplenty but taking those massive steps that are needed to effect change – no way. The fact that it’s just being left to protest groups and a few committed individuals adjusting their lifestyles is shameful.
Regrettably most people’s behaviour is all highly predictable. The political class are no different. They will do the bare minimum until it’s their house on fire, until the sea is lapping around their ankles. Then they will look for somebody else or something else to blame. Even when the world teeters on the very brink their reaction will be fudged, inadequate and self-serving which will amount to too little, far too late. It already probably is.
Vote Green.
I suspect they know that the majority of people won’t accept the life style changes necessary to make a real difference. I don’t think it’s a government problem, it’s an everyone problem. Globally. What we do here is irrelevant in the scheme of things.
It’s certainly “an everyone problem” and it will become ever more so. Sadly people never notice there is a problem with anything until it becomes THEIR problem. I remember reading an interview with Robert Wyatt in which he said he never gave a second thought to the problems and injustices faced by the disabled until he became disabled himself.
Vote Green.
I voted Green at the last election for many reasons but mostly because there’s a nag at the back of my mind that everything else is irrelevant. I’d hoped there would have been a real shift to the greens, not in seats but numbers. The fact there wasnt proves thst no ones really listening. Will the human race see out the end of this century? I doubt it so I’m very much of the view that we’re fucked. In my small part of the world I now work in community transport getting people out and about who otherwise can’t. “Let’s get an electric bus” we declared. Not for £160k we won’t say the trustees. Let’s take people from the station to work in our minibuses, get all those cars off the road” we suggested. Not on your charity licence you won’t says the law. And this is the problem theres no real will for change. It’s all been left so late there isn’t enough time and even if there was does anyone actually believe the ice caps will freeze again or the temperature in Australia will drop below 40 or Bangladesh won’t just become a permanent swamp? So I wish all our Aussie friends the best of luck and an unlikely miracle. The roaring 20’s probably means something very different to those in Victoria. Oh and Happy New Year
Has anybody said we’re fucked? Because we are. I am totally without hope on this issue. Too many people are just too fucking selfish and/or stupid.
Bill Hicks was right – we’re a cancer with shoes. Peace and love.
That would have been me up there. ..
“I’m very much of the view that we’re fucked”
Just a word of advice to the PM – stop trying to shake hands with people.
Still hasn’t learnt yet!
Got told to piss off back to Kirribilli today.