I have probably over a thousand photos, vaguely organised, but there are lots of duplicates and short of looking at every one (which wouldn’t work anyway as you can’t remember them all) I can’t get them into more than vague organisation. Anyone know any easy ways of deduplicating and tagging them so they are a bit more manageable?
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I used to use Picasa2, am now in a similar state of disorganisation though
Depends whether you’re in the Apple ecosystem but the included Photos app (iOS or MacOS) has a deduplicating function.
I have over 130,000 photos stored in Apple Photos/iCloud and struggled for years to find a good way of deduplicating. I can confirm that the PhotoSweeper app for MacOS is superb at this – great duplication detection algorithms and lightning fast
No Apple here sadly.
All I can say is that uploading to Flickr will – while not sorting out your deduping automatically – enable you to sort, group etc. If you took them with either a phone or a digital camera with the date set then Flickr puts them into date order automatically.
We have Flickr as the family digital archive, well worth the £50 per year.
CCleaner (free version) finds (nearly all) duplicate photos
Yes I’ve used the duplicate finder from CCleaner’s “Tools” tab. but it only detects exactly-the-same duplicates, not similar pictures like you’d get if you took pictures in quick succession with a view to picking the best one later.
My preferred duplicates ‘sniffer’ is AllDup. It’s very powerful and so takes a bit of getting used to. When I use it I normally end up finding whole duplicate folders.
This is something that’s worried me as well in recent years. I must have about 10,000 photos spread over all sorts of places. Some on SD cards, some in drives on PCs, some on the cloud in various places. I should really do something to organise them all and make sure I am keeping the ones that mean something, but I’m put off by the fact the process of organising them would be so messy, and I’ll bet less than 10% of those 10,000 photos are worth keeping!
Indeed. I want to put them all in one place and de-dup them to start with. they are sort of organised, but I have (eg) “Music” with, err, music pics in, but they reappear in various “Phone Backup” etc folders too. To make matters worse I have a backup on Amazon Cloud from when it was free, plus a load in Google Photos. Nightmare. I want to identify one master folder.