To celebrate 25 years of Mrs P tutting about how much nicer our front room would be without the records and more of her stuff, we are off to Bruges tomorrow for five days on the occasion of our silver wedding anniversary.
She chose the destination, and I’ve read up about the city online and been through a couple of guide books.
But I really want to make this a special trip for her, so I’m throwing myself at your collective mercy with a plea to the hive mind for recommendations, hidden gems, advice, top tips, restaurants we just have to eat at, record shops, flea markets, awe-inspiring sights, anything we simply shouldn’t miss.
Meanwhile, as Mrs P is out working late architecting, I’m listening to The Jam while make sauce with last of all the tomatoes and basil that can be mustered in a London garden.
To be frank, that’s a long time to spend in Bruges. You’ll have time to explore every corner for yourself, but be sure to take in a canal trip and a drink in the 2be Bar overlooking the water (afternoons and early evening only). I’m sure you’ll think of something to do for the other four and a half days.
>>To be frank, that’s a long time to spend in Bruges. >>
Enough time for a day trip to Ghent (similar but smaller and hipper) or the coast; Oostende if you like Marvin Gaye or Knokke if you are a Jacques Brel man. Mussels and fries anyway.
not in the slightest bit constructive, but at least it’s sweary
“I retract that bit about your cunt fucking kids.” Best. Line. Ever.
Even better than, ‘You’re an inanimate object!!’?
Couple of Record Shops (apparently, I missed them when I was there in April),lf_ui:1&oll=51.277684792441626,3.209568300000001&ospn=0.19436180642394874,0.514984130859375&oz=17&fll=51.205910924259655,3.234105148068256&fspn=0.024333158376542485,0.06437301635742188&fz=15&ei=cPYCVuekMMTi7AadhKoQ&rlfi=hd:;si:#rlfi=hd:;si:
Found many more in Brussels (but you’re not going there, so that’s not very helpful!)
Grand Market is a tourist spot, and all the restaurants and bars are much the same (same menu, same price, same drunken stag/hen weekend customers). The best are to be found away from the centre down little side streets.
Stupendous Beer Shop around there too (either called the Bottle Shop or 2be (next to the Wall Of Beer).
Great place – did 3 days there, and would definitely go back again
I used to go there every year in October on the way back from the Frankfurt Book Festival. Last time I was in Bruges I ate here:
Lovely food. It’s off the main square nest door to an art shop. 5 days is plenty of time to wallow. Bruges is best for walking so give yourself at least 1 day to just potter around without any real fixed agenda, just to soak up the atmosphere and explore. I’d also get the train to Ghent for the day; it’s only about half an hour away, if that. Go see The Lamb of God altarpiece.
If your wife likes lace and chocolate you’re doomed!
I whole-heartedly agree with Mr Bisto re the walking – just wander around and drink things in. It’s a lovely town for those on foot.
It’ll be in all the guide books but The Beguinage is a lovely spot – although I was there in February and you won’t have the gorgeous daffodils that we did.
And for a trip outside Bruges, take a taxi to the village of Damme, potter around and then amble back to Bruges along the canal – it’s a lovely, peaceful way of passing a few hours.
We took Mum and Dad for three days for their fortieth wedding anniversary – I can’t believe it’s 12 years ago now – and we all loved it. Congratulations on your own anniversary – if you enjoy Bruges half as much as we did, you’ll have a great time.
It is a beautiful place. Get a horse and trap ride round the town which we did and was lovely.
As mentioned above it is not a big place so a day trip or two to nearby attractions might be worth looking at.
And you must eat chips and mayonnaise in the market.
5 days is a long time for Bruges – a lovely city indeed but methinks some day trips will be needed. Ghent therefore is an absolute must, guided canal tour essential.
And whatever you do avoid the overpriced moules & frites in Bruges main square, wander off a few streets away for the real thing.
Don’t know when you are going, but some excellent concerts in Gent (RT, Glen Hansard, Waterboys, Vaccines) are not sold out yet:
Pony and trap is good idea; avoiding tourist trap restaurants in centre even better idea. Beautiful place, but I’d also head to Antwerp for a day. There’s great bars and restaurants around their Grotesque Markt area. Monday night is rocking.
I saw ‘In Bruges’ for the first time on a plane. I was embarrassed at the fool I was making of myself pissing myself laughing. Wonderful dialogue and great playing from Gleeson, in particular.
Grote Markt FFS!
Two days is plenty.
A few things here, if I’m not too late, was there exactly a year ago:
1) Damme is great, you can hire bikes if you want to get there or use a boat service which runs up there.
2) The coast-go to De Haan-it’s beautiful in a Belle Epoque sort of fashion. Train to Blankenberge then tram
3) Restaurant recommendations-there are 3 recommendations from my end:
i) Pomperlut
ii) in t’ Nieuw Museum
iii)Den Gouden Harynck
The middle one is the best value…and your meat is cooked on a charcoal range. Pomperlut is more expensive although charming and GH is Michelin style.
4) Cycle out to Ter Doest and see the largest medieval barn in Europe…
Visit the Halve Maan brewery tap for a drink, or the Brugse Gin Club if beer ain’t your thing.
The Groeningemuseum is worth a visit. The chocolate museum, less so.