‘Neuroscientists scanned Sting’s brain in an effort to understand creativity’.
So says a ‘factoid’ on the Beeb’s website without adding any detail, or revealing the results of the scan.
Can any Afterworders fill this void?
Musings on the byways of popular culture
They discovered that he’s only in it for the lute.
It seems the machine crashed shortly before they were due to carry out the scan.
Most research requires a standard template first to then measure how those who are creative differ.
De do do do, de da da da, Is all I want to say to you.
If they prevent any more Stings from appearing then this is all for the good…
I remember the car ad (was it for Jaguar) which claimed to show what rock stars dream about, and featured Sting being so dull that he fell asleep at the mic at his own gig. I don’t suppose that was meant to be the message I was meant to take away from it, but I must be over-literal.
Here is footage of the scientists during their examination.
Result – Sting, probably not as bad as you think