My surreptitiously filthy post in the birdwatching thread was, if you will, a “moose call”. If he was around, he’d have bitten on that (oo er). But no response. Is our lad unwell? If he can’t rise to such prompts, do we need to send out a search party? Mildly concerned…
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Not the first time of asking, Vincent…he’s gone walkabout before, of course, but not for this long, IIRC.
One was time out to write a book, another was, I think, an expiring laptop.
He knows where we are when he’s ready to, erm, come back and stay this time.
He disappears frequently
I believe Mrs Moose isn’t in the best of health, which might be taking his time up. Whatever the reason, wishing them both the best.
I wasn’t aware of that. As you say, Dave – best to both.
Absolutely agreed. If this is the case then all good vibes to them both.
Best wishes to the both of them.
Sad to hear that. Best wishes to both.
Thanks for the feedback, massive. Moose, more power to your organ, and likewise for your missus. We must look after weach other, and i am impressed at our gang.
Not surprising – you’ve all known each for dickheads – sorry, decades.
Just out of curiosity, is there anyone here who has actually met him face to face?
Were there ever any “mingles” in the North East?
(Several years ago I asked: which person on this site has met most contributors?
The unanimous answer was Hannah, who used to be an administrator.)
I still make Hannah’s Lemon Drizzle Cake* which she was kind enough to share the recipe for.
*TMFTL, but you knew that was coming**
I don’t think any of us have, but I’m not sure.
I think his avatar picture for a short while was James Bolam as Terry Collier, so that’s my mental image of him.
Ah, yes: but he’s also used a picture of Wee Eck from Oor Wullie…
Help ma boab, you’re richt!
As a fellow Hullensian, I have previously made overtures to the Great Man for a mini-Mingle in East Yorkshire, but he has somehow inexplicably resisted my charms thus far.
Well, I’ve met two Nottingham-based AWers at a Field Music gig. Not sure it’s the North East, but I’m not sure ‘Ull is, either.
Nottingham qualifies as The North if, like me, you’re from the Home Counties, as all the chip shops serve curry sauce and gravy.
‘Ull is technically north and east, but not usually known as part of the North East. Go figure.
Hull is pretty much in the South East if you live in Northumberland!
Colin H and I have met for beers in Newcastle a few times while he’s been over. We were joined on those occasions by a couple of others, neither of whom were normally resident up here either, IIRC. So the North East mingles consisted of me, who’s from London but actually lives up here, a bloke from Belfast, and someone who happened to be on holiday up here at the time.
You’re not… FauxGeordie under a new name, are you?
I think Nottingham is classed as the Midlands even if those in say Mansfield wear flat caps and have racing pigeons. Oh and they call everyone duck.
Really Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds etc should not really be classified as “north”, they are probably closer to the middle of the country geographically and only a 2 hour ish train ride from London. In Canada they would be considered neighbouring cities to London! As for Birmingham that’s practically a suburb 😉
My future Best Man went to Nottingham university. I jokingly told him Nottingham was Oop north, and that he should buy a flat cap to better fit in with the locals.
On my first visit to see him (in 1988), the lady behind the counter in the chippy asked me “d’ya nut wunt curry soors ont yer chips, luv?” I turned to him and said “I told you so”.
You can now get curry sauce on your chips in That London. Probably served on a shovel, for 20 quid.
What’s everyone’s favourite chips condiment then? As someone who went to college in Edinburgh I have to say that the salt and sauce combo you get in the chippies there takes some beating. I’m salivating just thinking about. I wonder how long it will take the Deliveroo guy to get to Singapore?
Clearly the answer is salt and vinegar:
the rock of the salt and the roll of the vinegar;
the purity of the salt and the astringency of the vinegar;
the hardness of the salt and the “see you Jimmy” of the vinegar.
I SPURN curry sauce and/or gravy…
Salt and lemon juice, with northern guacamole.
As another graduate of Edinburgh University, salt n sass is definitely an evocative taste, particularly after a night at “The Doctors” and 5 pints of 80/-, then a swift turn left to the Potterow chippie. I once had a shark supper from there. [Insert the “make it snappy” gag here]. I think I prefer the smoked sausage supper, TBH.
Shark? Jeez! Have you Edinburgh types never heard of the pie supper, using yer actual scotch pie? Too plebeian? Was yer shark supper served in a shortbread tin instead of newspaper??
(I apologise unreservedly – don’t know what came over me there…)
Curry sauce on chips always available in the south (of Wales)
I’ve always thought that, too. Not that it matters, it’s all relative, but as a kid in Northumberland I was always bemused by Liverpool and Manchester being referred to as the North of England. If I’d wanted to go it would have been a 3 hour drive south. With the Scottish Border still an hour away from me in the actual north.
From Northampton downwards – the South.
From Sheffield upwards – the North.
Between Northampton and Sheffield – the Midlands.
Bristol to Lands End – the West Country.
Scotland – Scotland.
Wales – Wales.
What about East Angular, Austin?
I once saw Cambridge described in a broadsheet paper as East Midlands. That’s stretching it a bit.
Taking Black Cs definition of Midlands as anywhere north of Northampton and East Anglia as the east of the King’s Lynn / Ipswich line, then East Midlands it would be.
There an easy rhyme for that…draw a line between King’s Lynn and Ipswich.
If it’s on the right, it’s East Anglia all right!
Norwich is further north than Birmingham.
I have won many pints on that fact!
…and Glasgow is further north than Moscow…
…both of them!
The often frozen areas of Canada that I live in are further south than Paris
Though as is often pointed out in trivia pages, although Edinburgh is on the east of Scotland it is further west than Bristol which everyone thinks of as the West Country.
That works,yes. It’s all relative, as said,
Even though I live in the actual South East of the U.K. I’m not native to it. Anywhere below Darlington to me is ‘the South’.
This place eh?!
Starts off with a heartfelt shout out to “ one of our own” ( Trademarked by Hottering Tottspurs about The Arsenal supporting , as a lad, Mr Harold Kane) and turns into a discussion about the boundaries of oop North and chip condiment!! Classic Afterword.
The thread made me giggle.
Hoping Moose and his FPO are all ok.
As you were.
If casual smut doesn’t let Mr Moose know that we miss him, then a discussion on chip condiments definitely will…
“Gentleman’s Relish on your chips, fellas?”
“Erm… no thanks, Moosey”
Anyone seen Moose?
He’s only gone and done a bleedin’ Philp Schofield, inne?
Declared himself gay, had an affair with a younger male colleague and got a shitload of grief from the Daily Mail? I can’t say I’m surprised, to be perfectly honest.
No, but he’s been to the cinema in Alaska.
Hurry Potter retrospective?
FB reminded me that it is four years to the day since I last saw Fonda 500.
“The Pands” feature in their lineup bassist Bod. If Moosey were here, he’d know what I mean…
I know she still looks amazing, but I don’t think Jane Fonda is 500 years old.