Another one in an occasional series of shared playlists. This one – ‘Evening’ – is simply an accumulation of some of my favourite songs, gathered over the last 7 or 8 years. Nothing too revolutionary or indeed anything that will frighten the horses, just good songs/performances. I’ve called it Evening because it works for me with a nice, crackling fire and a glass of decent malt whisky, maybe Aberlour.
Enjoy – I hope!
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Thanks JJ! Your playlists are always a pleasure.
I’m off to Systembolaget to procure some Aberlour!
You’ve been at my music collection! Terrific playlist there. Valerie Carter! Top marks.
Nice one. Grabbed!
This is one lovely playlist. As ever, random play works well (not the Devil’s spawn “smart” random!). Thanks again!
Got it on shuffle at the moment and loving it especially Julee Cruise, not heard that in years . Well done 👍
Great choice of songs but I wouldn’t have in alphabetical order so would have to randomise it.
Yes, I know. I converted it from Tidal but couldn’t work out how to randomise it. Best way is to use shuffle but you can’t seem to save it that way. The very definition of a First World Problem!
Nice mix of some v obvious mainstream and some off the beaten track.
Right up my street – have appropriated!
Just played this on trip to and from Bristol. Excellent choices @jazzjet – so much so that my wife swears I’ve made it!
I’m more than happy for you to take the credit, @Feedback_File.
I think I must try that wheeze ! I bet Mrs KFD is going to like it too.
But will she believe that I compiled it?? Probably not quite enough yodelling Albanian shepherds for her to believe that!
We’ve had great pleasure from this top playlist @jazzjet. Thanks!
Glad you enjoyed it @Twang. I’ve been building this playlist for a number of years.
That Moon Duo is very cool. Never heard of them.