Old MacDonald had a POP farm .. EIEIO!
With a woof woof here
(Hey Bulldog – The Beatles)
A moo moo there
(Meat is Murder – The Smiths)
This should eventually build up the “Afterword Ark” playlist on Spotify. If @kaisfatdad could oblige(?).
I can think of at least one more – but I bet there are loads of them. Come on…what else can be more important than this?
Here an oink, there an oink, everywhere an Oink! Oink!
(Piggies – The Beatles)
Odd version?
With a quack quack here
Mickey Katz Cry of the Wild Duck
And another quack quack here
Disco Duck – some bloke
Fuck me, that’s very poor isn’t it? Both”ducks” are of primary school project standard.
All the Beatles stuff seems to have been stripped from YouTube, so you’ll have to take my word for it. But Good Morning, Good Morning from Sgt Pepper ends with a series of animal sounds. If I remember correctly they were arranged in such a way that each animal we heard was capable of eating/killing the one before it.
From Wiki: “(the song) begins with the crow of a Rooster, while the other animal sounds heard at the end of the song include birds, a cat, a dog, a cow, a horse, a sheep, a lion, an elephant, and a group of bloodhounds accompanying fox hunters on horseback with horns blasting, suggesting that a fox hunt was in progress”.
Unless I’ve misunderstood the premise of the thread?
I’ll get me coat.
Leave your coat where it is. Nuggets like that are what makes desperately thin ideas like this thread worthwhile.
There’s a pop song that’s been posted on here by a Japanese lady who makes chicken noises. That would work. It’s not the Frank Chickens – nowhere near as good as them.
This one?
Think it was via @mousey
Yes that’s it.
Wang Rong Rollin.
I’m being severely tested here.
Bloody hell @hubert rawlinson you’ve got a good memory!
That animal sequence on Good Morning, Good Morning is logical up to the hunt. (Some sources say they can hear a fox, which would definitely not be capable of frightening or eating an elephant, but I don’t know what a fox sounds like.) However, the hunt is followed by a cow and, finally, a hen.
The hen is there because it splices in with the guitar. Nice work from the Georges.
Everybody makes a row down on Jollity Farm
But there’s always another point of view.
Sung by the man who wrote Jollity Farm
Roger and Co. sing a song of Seamus
And looking very relaxed on sheep, Adrian Munsey
The Perfect Kiss by New Order features a Frog Chorus during the bridge, presumably coaxed out of their post-Macca retirement, and sheep at the end of the 12″ mix.
The sheep then made a raved-up comeback on Fine Time.
Yes, I have been reading Hooky’s book….
A fine brace of songs with NO at their very best. I almost stood up to applaud when you reminded me of the frogs in Perfect Kiss. That happens at around 6 minutes in and then there follows about 3-4 minutes of complete and utter brilliance. See also the Joy Division poster and Arthur Baker watching from behind the glass. And their little faces at the end when they high five each other!
Reading Hooky’s book has reminded me how much I loved them at the time and how disappointed I was with Republic (apart from Regret) and everything since.
I’ve been buying up the CD singles missing from my collection, most for pennies. There are at least 8 different mixes of Jetstream, which was awful to start with…
The sound of rooks cawing at the beginning of “Help Me Somebody” from “My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts” by Brian Eno & David Byrne.
Still with the crow family, Donovan invented animal sounds generally with The Magpie from the 1967 album A Gift From A Flower To A Garden
I think there’s some on this
(Listen With Sarah – Animal Hop)
Ooeer that’s a Lion that is:
Bite it. Crunch it. Chew it.
(Culture -Get Ready To Ride The Lion To Zion)
There’s a load of Scratch productions which feature a noise which is supposed to be some kind of animal. Sounds like a slightly miffed mastodon.
Here’s one. Also featuring that star of many edifying limericks, a young fellow called Enos.
Been Caught Stealing by Jane’s Addiction has a woof woof
There’s some sheep on this one. And some “mystery beasts” too.
(Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band – Hello Mabel)
Pretty sure they’re showing the wrong album cover on the clip, but at least it features a picture of an animal.
If you listen carefully, you can hear sheep on Radiohead’s Everything In Its Right Place.
Bad News provided some bats, and cows and wild veal. Also (sadly not heard here) the beast from the Lager of Lamot advert
And there’s a cat in this one somewhere, as well as a pig, a horse, and a cow
HM Farmer’s riff stolen for Morrissey’s Glamorous Glue. That’s a mashup waiting to happen. (Or would be, if it was still, like, 2002)
A dog (possibly a Police Dog) having a good old bark at the end of this one.
The Damned – Burglar
Opening with a big Meow
Adam Ant – Puss In Boots
…and Stand And Deliver begins with a whinnying horse..
The track Ships Cat, from Nad Sylvan’s album Courting The Widow, features Nad’s own cat Skrutt purring and mewing in the background !!
The blessed Kate has used a whole blimmin’ menagerie!
Beck’s Jack Ass finishes with the sound of a Donkey braying. It starts with a sample of Van doing Dylan – no connection, I’m sure..
And a tweet tweet here a tweet tweet there here a tweet there a tweet everywhere a tweet tweet
Steve Hackett’s ‘Tower Struck Down’ features a parrot going ‘Blarrrk’ not far from the end of the track, plus a human cough, and a crowd going ‘Seig Heil’.
Featured in a recent thread, King Crimson’s ‘Elephant Talk’ has Adrian Belew (sorry James Blast, whom Gods Preserve) making elephant trunky-type noises.
And a scrarrk scrarrk there …
There’s a crow at the very end.
The best song inspired by motorway graffiti inspired by a Harry Enfield sketch ever.
Mind you, I do have a soft spot for Radiohead’s “I’ll Tek Mi Bloody Belt Off To Yer”.
Interesting Harry Enfield connection. Their first No 1 Doctorin’ the Tardis featured a dalek shouting “Loadsamoney!” at one point.
And Chill Out was originally going to be called Calm Down Calm Down.
“Burn a million quid! You don’t want to do that!”
“Oh but I can, because I am considerably richer than yew”
1987 – I Don’ Know What Da Buggerin’ ‘Ell Is Goin’ On, Matey Peeps!
Kylie Said To Jason “Develop a drug habit that costs you your golden boy image and means years of wading through reality tv shows in order to rehabilitate your image in the eyes of the public just so you can sing Andrew Lloyd Webber songs. Is that what you want, cos that’s what’ll happen..”
‘I’m off to kill our kid’s kestrel’.
Keep your hair on, daddio!
Here’s something that does what it says on the tin.
….as heard on the absolutely awesome Emperor Rosko compo So You Wanna Hear Another?
And…is there a hoooo hooooo here? I was told at the time that this Yes song featured whale noises. But listening to it now I’m not so sure.
Various animal noises here
You wanna hear some amoebae?
Shorrrr ya do!
this one was top five in Japan
Horses (not the Patti Smith kind)
What a great video clip! Best one I’ve seen in a long time.
Side 4 of Pink Floyd’s Ummagumma particularly the track Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict, is full of strange animal noises including birds and a bluebottle (that’s blowfly in Australia)
And of course all of Floyd’s Animals album.
Does Roadrunner & Wile E Coyote count?
Well I suppose if roadrunners do actually go meep meep, then I don’t see why not.
For those that can’t or won’t listen to the clip, it’s a sensitive orchestral treatment of the song with gentle session singers singing the chorus – interspersed with meep meep and Acme-sponsored explosions. I get it – Long and Winding road – but unless there was an accompanying cartoon, the joke only just about qualifies. Which of course makes it terrific.
You can’t normally hear roadrunners, because you’ve got the radio on.
And they’re usually going “faster miles an hour” (?)
Phew! I seem to have gotten away with the clip above. Let’s see if you are just as kind with the Beatles Barkers. Of course.
35 seconds. And that was just to hear the ooooh. Is there a whole album of this?
Naturally. There are also “other artists”. I won’t subject you to those.
Kennelor Rigby
Here Boy, There and Everywhere
Come by Together
Get Bark
before someone else gets there;
“I found the men, sir. God, I wish I hadn’t..”
(Bonzo Dog Band – Noises For The Leg)
Not exactly animal noises, but on Brian Jones’ finest hour, Little Red Rooster, when Mick sings “Dogs begin to bark, hounds begin to howl”
And a woof woof here !
Another Steve Hackett. ‘Land Of A Thousand Autumns’ has assorted corvids (definitely Rooks, possibly some Ravens) cawing.
Donkey, anyone?
(The Divine Comedy – How Can You Leave Me On My Own)
Pacific State 707 came up on the 24 Hour Party People OST this morning (I’m on a New Order binge having completed Hooky’s book).
That takes me back…