…should you happen to have a couple of long spoons with which to sup.
The Telegraph are offering a year’s membership of Amazon Prime, worth £79, if you take out a year’s sub for £100.
If only it was the Grauniad. But I’m putting this out there as a public service anyway.
UK Telegraph.
Even four years ago that would be potentially worth doing. But it’s not been nicknamed the Maily Hellograph by Private Eye for nothing…
Absolutely – not remotely tempted. But who am I to say that others shouldn’t be?
Prime was £59 last month(ish) to promote the new Firestick (or something).
My Prime only costs £79 anyway so why take out a subscription for that rag?
I think the pitch is the other way round – to those inclined to take out a D Tel sub (I repeat: not me), the Prime would be the bonus.
Have Torygraph readers even heard of Amazon….?
I don’t suppose there are many retired colonels still reading it.