MPs have just voted in favour of England adopting a national anthem for sporting events and the like. Fair enough; they have had to use the UK anthem in the absence of one of their own for too long. That miserable dirge wouldn’t stir the heart of anyone, and given that many English people are neither deists nor republicans the lack of a toe-tapping melody isn’t its only problem.
You can see where I’m going with this, can’t you?
There is a vacancy and we’re surely the people to name the song fill it. My suggestion is that we should use the sad passing of the Dame as an excuse to adopt one of his – imagine Wembley singing ‘Oh You Pretty Things’ at the tops of their voices before a game. Even though I’m Scottish, though long resident in English, I’m tearing up all over again at the thought of it.
With our usual breathtaking prescience, we actually did this back in September:
I’m still voting for King of Rome.
Just revisited and your thread was great fun, Bingo. And now with almost the same question, we’re getting a whole new set of answers. The hive mind of the AW has a myriad of answers to any enquiry.
Gertcha !
Stirring and maybe too patriotic for today’s consumption
I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things above,
Entire and whole and perfect, the service of my love;
The love that asks no question, the love that stands the test,
That lays upon the altar the dearest and the best;
The love that never falters, the love that pays the price,
The love that makes undaunted the final sacrifice.
Whatever happens, we won’t come up with anything as stirring and uplifting as the Marseillaise.
I vote for the Archers Theme (as suggested many years ago for the UK by the Big Yin).
Well if we vote for Euro exit, we might as well go for The Dambusters theme with a form of words which would piss Corbyn and his acolytes right off, no bad thing. Otherwise, The Village Green Preservation Society; a nice jaunty little sing-a-long.
Don’t forget to include the name of Guy Gibson’s dog in your Dambusters lyric – that’ll make the Little Englanders happy as they celebrate getting shot of the Frogs, Wops and Eyties…
I like Billy Connolly’s suggestion for a national anthem: the theme from ‘The Archers’.
See above…
I agree with you, Gatz. With everyone trying to overdo each other in their Dameophilia, it’s difficult to imagine that a Bowie song will not be chosen. And isn’t Heroes the obvious choice?
Then again I do like the idea of ten thousand people singing the Laughing Gnome together. And the English do like their gardens.
We need something with movements in it (like the Italian) and great length (like the Sri Lankan).
Suppers Ready.
Or the Aces High theme from the Battle Of Britain.
Does it matter that in the movie it was the Luftwaffe’s music?
It has to be this.
This, from about 2:10 to 3:30. I defy you not to be moved to tears.
Consider yourself defied.
You soulless monster! *Sobs uncontrollably*
I’d be happy with Land Of Hope & Glory. Otherwise something where you can insert the lines “Engerlund, Engerlund. Well we’re all pissed up and we’re gonna win the cup!”
Max Wall – Englands Glory
Great shout. Have an ‘up’.
The Clash – This Is England
Blur – Sunday Sunday
Why don’t you ask Sam Smith to write it? It’ll only take him fifteen minutes!
I’m Scottish, so my vote doesn’t count.
A serious suggestion would be Jerusalem, or I vow to thee. I’m a confirmed atheist, and those two are grand grand tunes that choke me up a bit.
Less seriously? Something that sums up everything you need to know about England? Village Green Preservation Society
Had a long think about this tonight and the answer is ‘All you need is love’, both for the message and the fact that it starts with a snatch of the Marseillaise. Thus providing recognition, confusion, relief and amusement all at once when it strikes up.
Second choice was ‘Pump it Up’. Bronze went to ‘Reverend Black Grape’.
The whole thing is a parliamentary smoke screen for the quarterly self assessment tax return debate that started today anyway. Classic bad news burial. Fuck you, Osborne. FUCK YOU!!!