Following on from the posts asking where we live, which famous person shares our birthday and why we persist with these silly pseudonyms**, I’ve decided to reveal a little of myself to you.
My credit card number is 8008318008 318008. If you hold the card upside down this spells Boobie Boobie boob. By an extraordinary coincidence my favourite film is Total Recall, which features a prostitute with three breasts.
Perhaps your credit card number has an amusing coincidence hidden in its digits? It won’t always be revealed by turning it upside down. Please post your credit card number* and I can check it for you using algorithms I acquired during my time working at the Nigerian Ministry of Finance.
For example, using a simple letter for number substitution code I discovered that my last card number corresponded exactly to the name of my first childhood pet. What made this even more bizarre was the fact that, for sentimental reasons, I named my puppy by the maiden name of my recently deceased mother. Perhaps your mother’s maiden name or the name of your first childhood pet is encoded in the digits on your card? Please post them here* and I will check whether the same happy coincidence that befell me has happened for you….
* Do not post your credit card number, Mum’s maiden name or the name of your first pet.
** To the originators of these posts, please don’t take offence. I’m not casting aspersions on your character – the coincidence of the three posts in such a short time was too good not to make the gag..
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Kaisfatdad says
Sewer has a good point here. If your real identity is known, it’s probably not so wise to make your birthday known. Then again, no one is giving their year of birth.
There are some very stupid would-be criminals out there. Also some very clever ones.
Bingo Little says
Fun fact: Nigerian scam emails contain deliberate grammar and spelling errors.
They help the scammers refine their targeting to individuals who are sufficiently credulous to follow through with the entire thing, and reduce the risk of wasting time on people daft enough to respond to the initial email but savvy enough not to make the money transfer.
Moose the Mooche says
Ha! They’ll never get me then. I do English gooood.
davidks says
Do you want the 3 digits on the back of my card too?…Yes, ok, it’s…..
You rotter!