Just bought a couple of CDs from the tax dodgers, received an email telling me I could download as auto-rips, but the interface on the music library has been changed and there’s no apparent way to download them. Customer support has been no help so far; can’t seem to wrap their heads around the fact that the download function seems to have disappeared.
Anyone else had this problem? Or am I missing something?
Have you tried the 3 little dots (or have I got a different screen view?)
Thanks RD. Different screen view with different set of options. Three little dots aren’t giving me an option to download. Told their customer support at least four times but it doesn’t seem to be sinking in.
Looks like they’re messing around with the interface to poor effect.
Thought it might too obvious a solution.
Are you using a desktop, or a tablet/phone? I’ve seen other apps behave differently on different devices.
(Although Amazon on my tablet looks ok).
Frustrating first world problems … good luck
I’ve just installed the Windows app (I’d not got round to it before since wiping my laptop) and it seems fine. There’s a download link for the albums I’ve bought and no link for the ones I’ve just ‘added to library’.
In my settings, I have it set to automatically download purchases(android phone and tablet), but it doesn’t always work. Sometimes I have to download manually.
I remember buying a Justin Townes Earle cd and whilst waiting for the cd to arrive, I tried to download it using the ‘autorip’. I only got the 1st track. There was nothing else there. I phoned customer service and spoke to at least 3 different folks, and they eventually told me that they didn’t have the rights to the downloads of the whole album. I told them that I wanted to play the music on my phone and in my car so I needed the downloads. He told me to rip the cd myself, and I told him that my laptop didn’t have a cd drive. He eventually put a fiver into my account.
When I buy from Amazon Prime I wait for the CDs to arrive (next day usually) and do my own lossless rips with either Exact Audio Copy or DBPoweramp.
I don’t want mp3s in my digital collection unless it’s the only format available.
Thanks for the feedback all. After some delving into Amazon’s own pages it’s clear that other people have been this problem for some months, and its customer support doesn’t even acknowledge the problem. I think it’s rigged it so you can only download whole albums if you have their app installed. A great way to alienate your customers.