KFD’s fruitful Poirot thread raised the possibility of an alternative take on The Murder of Roger Ackroyd – the evidence presented could lead to a different murderer than Christie named.
I got to thinking about Ferris Bueller’s Day Off – what if Mr Rooney was a time-traveling Ferris, come back to suburban Chicago to prevent his earlier self from setting off on a path of slackerdom leading to a dismal failing position as high school principal – he’d do everything he could to keep him on the straight and narrow, wouldn’t he? Even Ferris’s sister could be seen as trying to help make him see sense and face up to his truancy and lack of commitment issues.
Any others out there?
Was the Nakatomi Corporation a powerfully destructive multinational actor which could only be stopped by a dedicated team of vigilante environmentalists led by Hans Gruber attacking its headquarters?
Did Rose engineer the sinking of the Titanic just so she didn’t have to marry Cal?
Intriguing stuff. Sounds like a Dr Who plotline or two. I will rack my brains.
Interesting! I love the Ferris Bueller one.
I’ll have a think.
In an alternative life the James Bond franchise was a very different proposition. Bond was a feckless layabout getting himself into humorous scrapes. The Carry On team were brought in to bring this to the big screen with Jim Dale (of course) playing the main role. The first venture ‘Ooh Dr, No !’ was a roaring success as was ‘Thunderballs’. Things went a bit sour with ‘In Her Majesty’s Secret Health service’ and ‘Goldfingered’ was thought too risqué and was never released ( I do know where to lay my hands on a dodgy copy though).
Thanks, @Feedback_File! A fine and imaginative mash-up. Bond does come close to the Carry-on playbook with Roger Moore’s entire oeuvre, and with titles like For Your Eyes Only and Octopussy, I scarcely dare think what (Sid) James would have made of such opportunities.
Very well played!
Following on from Feedback_File’s post, The Beatles were once asked to write the theme tune to the 1967 Bond film, You Only Live Twice. They didn’t of course, but they did write and record an album of James Bond inspired tracks. Due to contractual obligations, the album has never been released but the track-listing is as follows:
1. Dr Nowhere Man
2. (From Russia With Love) From Me To You
3. Thunderball Together Now
4. Her Majesty’s Secret Service
5. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds are Forever
6. Live and Let It Be
7. (I Wanna Be Your) Man With The Golden Gun
8. Love of the Spy Who Loved Me
9. Mr. Moonlightraker
10. For Your Eyes Only a Northern Song
11. Octopussy’s Garden
12. The Inner Daylights
13. GoldenEye Slumbers
14. Die Another Girl
15. The Word Is Not Enough
16. Sure To Skyfall (In Love With You)
17. Tanner (Go To Him)
18. A Taste of Honey Ryder
19. Leave My Kissy Alone
20. Mailman, Bring Me No Moore Blues
21. Double Oh! Darling
22. For You Q
23. Ob-la-di, Ob-la-Dalton
24. Moneypenny (That’s Who I Want)
25. Give Pierce a Chance
26. Let M In
Brilliant work. No 26 is so clever I feel like standing up and applauding.
As Octopussy was already a single entendre, does that make your filthy song title a demi entendre?
As I recall the censored version of Goldfingered featured Sid James as the nefarious villain who was a mix of Blofeld and Oddjob – Heh, Heh, Heh
Oddfeld? 😉
The Beatles were exceedingly happy with take 5 of Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da and finished The White Album in double quick time, releasing it as a single album.
Back In The USSR/Dear Prudence/Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da/Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Except For Me And My Monkey/I Will/Hey Bulldog/Why Don’t We Do It In The Road/Long Long Long
Mother Nature’s Son/I’m So Tired/Blackbird/Sexy Sadie/While My Guitar Gently Weeps/Helter Skelter/Happiness Is A Warm Gun/Good Night
Leaving tracks like Glass Onion, Bungalow Bill, Piggies, Rocky Racoon, Don’t Pass Me By, Honey Pie, Savoy Truffle and Cry Baby Cry for the cartoon film released in 1969.
Julia was a B-side of Hey Jude and Birthday the B-side of Revolution.
The Get Back recordings were really happy and productive, Abbey Road wasn’t the finale and they continued releasing albums well into the seventies, starting with All Things Must Pass.
That did happen didn’t it @Tiggerlion– I certainly don’t recall listening to more than 2 sides.
I’m reminded of the Steely Dan ‘Downtown Canon’ album review of a year or so ago which fits in well here
Yes. And we’ve all heard their seventies albums: a rustic All Things Must Pass in 1970, a mega Phil Spector produced double, Some Truth, in 1971, Dream On… In 1973, Goodnight Vienna 1974, an album of covers, Rock ‘n’ Roll, 1975 and a lovely final hurrah, John. Paul. George. Ringo in 1980.
2019 – Reality TV show “Diana and Dodes” is in its 15th season. That pair are like chalk & cheese! The font for “Diana” is swirly and regal – “Dodes” is scrawled as if by a five year old boy with a backward S and has an ink splatter next to it (because we all use fountain pens and ink pots).
She is regal, beautiful and stylish. He is chubby, bald, fat, profane and vulgar. They fight all the time but – don’t ask me how (chuckle) – it just works!
The show is largely the story of Dodes and his madcap adventures fuelled by his father’s unlimited money. Failed business enterprises, committing Diana to ridiculous product endorsements, and more. He is often “entertaining” young lady friends and Diana returns home unexpectedly – d’awwww!
It’s every bit as good as it sounds. The Royal Family does not get mentioned, is not referred to even slightly and Diana’s appearances are sparse and purely to satisfy the producer’s comic narrative. She now has roughly the same public profile as Sarah Ferguson.
I do feel blessed. Some threads, the comments gush out in eager torrents – a Niagara of eagerness. This one is more like the gentle drip of rich and complexly-flavoured syrup from a majestic maple tree.
Thank you all for your oozings and seepings!