Just spotted on BBC News, lead story, comment number 1019
‘FauxGeordie’ …………..
(Comment concludes ‘Any old lie from any old hare-brained toff will suffice’. ‘Pffft’
Surely the former mucker of this parish?
Musings on the byways of popular culture
He is alive and well and living on the Face Book.
Is it possible that you’re not one of the clique and therefore don’t know this?
I demand to see your credentials sir.
My credentials?
Well, I’ve just been trying on my Jacob Rees Mogg outfit which I acquired just toady (sorry, ‘today’). It’s really quite fetching.
The whalebone corset was a surprise though and must be aligned at a perfect right angle to the horizontal – the pinstripe was the perfect foil.
More surprising though were the sock suspenders which for reasons beyond me (but no doubt known to JRM) go all the way up to the thighs. And the tartan garter is bloody tight.
Trust my credentials meet with your approval and I doff my top hat to you too, Sir.
You had me at “thighs”.
I love chicken, me.
I hope you enjoyed the thighs.
Now, come and recline with me on the green leather.
Can assure you that his rantings on here pale into significance compared to his postings on Facebook. Quite the anarchist.
Wish he was here, I really do, but I simply won’t go THERE to enjoy his utterances.
Sadly there’s not enough money or interest in the known universe to pursuade me to go anywhere near the foul cesspit that is FarceBerk.
It can’t be him – in Faux’s world, the Tories closed the BBC down a couple of years ago for being too left wing
And hadn’t the deal been done to sell the NHS to the Americans and carve up what was left amongst Tory doners?
You mean donors. (Mind you, you did say “carve-up” 😉 )
Doners is more like it.
Made of indescribable ingredients, of uncertain age and provenance, usually served up at 3 a.m. by a sweaty bloke in a dodgy establishment, a chap who has seen every possible shade of inebriation under the sun and just hopes you fuck off quickly. Tory Grandees at their club, many brandies in, negotiating new deals to asset strip the NHS.
‘The 2015 election will be cancelled” was one I remember fondly, as well as “All protestors will be arrested” and “All golfers are anti-semitic.”
I wonder what he makes of a group of self-serving grasping Tory oligarch silver-spoon grandee leeches (etc, etc) laying down their careers this week to save us from a right-wing dictatorship?
Oh the deal’s been done, snouts in the trough, the spoils have been divvied up, etc. Sorry, what was the question?