Cafe Oto
Date: 14/04/2019
Although the book launch happened three weeks ago I am only now putting finger to keyboard to write this review. I stayed in London for a week after with only a dodgy tablet to use (since repaired and now broken again after falling down the stairs this morning, both of us that is)
Because of my tardiness and feeling strangely strange I was beaten to this review by the Sun which says that the band played ‘with wit, warmth and some of the old wide-eyed wonder.’
Arriving early at the sold out show I rested my weary bones on a seat outside and watched as the queue built steadily with a preponderance of mostly silver-haired folks. People had travelled far and wide to be there.
Iain Sinclair (filmmaker and friend) started proceedings off with a talk about the Strangelies in Dalston (which I why the launch took place in Dalston) and the band and Adrian read the parts of the book about their stay with Renchi, (an old school friend of Tim Goulding’s), Goulding’s new shoes from the Kingsland Road and early gigs.
Then to the band proper Tim Booth, Ivan Pawle and Tim Goulding, playing songs from all four albums, including some Kip-style arrangements with Goulding on harmonium .
Because of an inability to find a phonofiddle Goulding had to play cello on Strings in the Earth and Air. An unlucky moment for any phonofiddle fans in the audience.
Before playing Horse of a different hue Goulding told the story of Joni Mitchell sitting at the harmonium, playing and singing Horse Of A Different Hue, following Goulding’s chord chart but singing a completely different melody of her own. James Taylor (her boyfriend at the time) ushered her away. He was never a fan from then on.
The trio were augmented with Paul Dufour (drums) and Simon Kobayashi (bass) on Sign on My Mind and Piece Of Cod and Paul Simmons added some wonderful, liquid lead guitar. Piece of Cod was also augmented by a ‘choir’ of Fate & ferret (Andrew Greig and George Boyter) and Rose Simpson from ISB.
A splendid time was had by all.
Setlist and YouTube links:
Strangely Strange But Oddly Normal
Ballad Of the Wasps
Halcyon Days
Horse Of A Different Hue
Strings In The Earth And Air
James Gang
Roy Rogers
Hames And Traces – YouTube link:
Invisible Kid
Sign On My Mind – YouTube link:
Piece Of Cod
So Young
What Is This Life So Full Of Care?
The audience:
See link that @fatima placed in my book review
It made me think..
Everything is Strangely Strange
dai says
3 afternoons?
hubert rawlinson says
Deleted one but for some reason it didn’t delete.
Couldn’t delete duplicate in nights out (not sure how I posted it twice)Have requested one to be deleted.
Very Strange (but oddly normal)
retropath2 says
Paul Simmon(d)s? From The Men They Couldn’t Hang?