I don’t understand the new joke/message on the copyright line at the bottom of the page. Something to do with X-Box game-things?
Dear God. I fear the in-jokes on The Afterword may have become too young and hip for me; I knew this day would come, but surely not so soon? The only thing left for it is record Sing Something Simple and put it on a constant loop to croon me to the grave.
Yes, you’re right, it’s a little X-box pun. Thus proving that you are actually still young and hip yourself. Yo daddy-o!
(I own several kids including teenagers, and can confirm that once you hit 18, it’s actually all over, hipness-wise. there’s actually no hope for any of us)
It’s all about Eggs Box Wan now, grandma.
Or Plague Station Fore
I believe it’s from this
er, this
is the correct answer – my little tribute to the late Ronnie C. BTW any suggestions for the footer are welcome at the usual address.
Dare to be square!
Here, from the days before MIcro got Soft, is my band of the week: Quarteto Cetra.
I daren’t press play – those four look like the Republican Party Presidential candidates.
There is no resemblance whatsoever between the charismatic Quartetto and the odious Trumpster, Sal!
Press and enjoy!
Not just Trump.
L-R: Rubio, Trump, Kasich, Cruz. remarkable likenesses
I’ve been here from the start.
If it’s an in-joke I’m definitely out.
“Eggs box” sounds rude to me.
But then it would.
Oh, I thought you said EGG SPOCKS…