Before we forget completely because our braincells have been severely depleted by too many Canadian Carrots, let’s put together a list of songs in salute to our fallen comrade. As a sometime drummer in an agreeably befuddled state, marooned in an obscure outpost of the old empire, writing posts that generate bemusement and irritation in equal measure, I feel for you bro. Have these on me.
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Moose the Mooche says
Moose the Mooche says
Moose the Mooche says
Moose the Mooche says
I’ve no idea whether old BC likes DS this early… but it’s just here because it is a CHOON.
Moose the Mooche says
This time you’ve gone too far!
I told you! I told you! I told you! I told you!
Rigid Digit says
Is There Anybody Out There?
Gary says
Hello, I’m reject, does one arm hang down longer?
Hello, I’m a reject, and I can’t think of no more words for songs just…
We’re gonna dance despite our aging limbs, gonna sing despite the pessimism
And we’re not gonna worry if we’re old or new
Just hello, I’m a reject
Does it look as though I have three eyes to you?
Hello, I’m a reject, stamped across my…
Hello, I’m a reject, like a slice of Scando bacon
Hello, I’m a reject, like a pig to the slaughter, don’t know don’t care, just…
We’re gonna dance despite our aging limbs, gonna sing despite the pessimism
And we’re not gonna worry if we’re old or new, just…
Hello, I’m a reject
Me got no brain
Me subject myself to you and all your philosophising
Me got not brain
Follow me, follow me
Hello, I’m a reject
My leg look bendy toy grow more
Hello, I’m a reject
And I can’t think of no more words for songs, just…
We’re gonna dance despite our aging limbs, gonna sing despite the pessimism
And we’re not gonna worry if we’re old or new, just…
Hello, I’m a reject
Wilson Wilson says
It’s what he would’ve wanted
Lodestone of Wrongness says
Bri says he loves Mooche (who doesn’t?) and also sent me this poignant message. Scuse me while I kiss the sky…
“Just one last thought about the Afterword for my own clarification.
This was the one place that I felt unhindered in thought. Whether ridiculous, thoughtful or rude I always knew that I held every single member there in the highest intellectual regard. These were my peeps. This is my family.
I’ve been going over some of my replies to threads and I can see how offensive and crazy some of them are. But that’s the point. The Afterword afforded me that and I knew and trusted my fellow Afterwords to chide and ignore and argue and laugh and disapprove and argue.
Sometimes I intentionally was obnoxious,but never in a malicious way. I always wanted to spark a discussion.
Quite often I had no idea what I’d written the night before. Part of the joy was logging in the next day. Would I be confronted with joy or anguish?
I never meant to hurt no one”
Moose the Mooche says
I feel a bit sad now.
Fintinlimbim says
He was once frightfully rude to me.
I don’t give a monkey’s.
When all’s said and done, you are all nothing but words on a screen.
mikethep says
Said Alice.
Paul Wad says
I’ve never been on the receiving end of rudeness from Bri, largely because I gave his threads and posts a wide steer. There is another chap who pops up on here who was terribly rude to me on a couple of occasions, totally out of nowhere, to the point of making me quite cross. I noticed it wasn’t just me though, as he seems to specialise in being terribly rude. I think I’d be happy if he were to go and find another blog to be bitter on. I found it easy to just ignore Bri’s ramblings (although occasionally he drifted into the real world), but when you get horrid responses to things you write it’s different. There are ways of disagreeing with someone without being rude!
It’s a shame, because I like this place for the absence of malice. As a comparison, I frequent a message board for fans of Barnsley Football Club, but I stopped posting some time ago and rarely read it now, as pretty much all the decent and more interesting posters also stopped, due to the high proportion of numpties, aggressive numpties and racist numpties that seemed to hijack every thread. It really is like a primary school playground, and a vindictive one at that, in the form of a blog.
ganglesprocket says
Well said Paul. Sadly, in the spirit of what’s being asked, this is all I have to offer…
Moose the Mooche says
That’s mean.
I’m venturing deep into “fart in a spacesuit” territory with this one, but it’s kindly meant.
Junior Wells says
That reflects poorly on you Gangles and is also in direct contradiction to the request made by the Mods on the Whither Bri thread.
Harold Holt says
Am I ever gonna see your face again ?
Probably not.
Junior Wells says
Gary says
dai says
Martin Hairnet says
bungliemutt says
In a private message Bri has told me he would like a thread of multiple random Tom Petty postings, preferably between midnight and 1.00 a.m. Sorry it’s a bit late Bri, but this one’s for you.
Harold Holt says
Surely this one… Refugee
Harold Holt says
Or this one… Can’t Find My Way Home, TP+TH with Steve Winwood
Harold Holt says
Naah, it has to be this…. Don’t Come Around Here No More
Should we go on ?
Harold Holt says
Or this ? Feel a Whole Lot Better (when you’re gone)
bungliemutt says
Just sayin’
bungliemutt says
Time To Move On.
“That’s enough Tom Petty” [Mods]
retropath2 says
Was he Jingle Jangle (shugah)?
If so,
I think he would like this version.
Arthur Cowslip says
I’m putting together a tribute concert in memory of Bri. I’ve booked Wembley for August 10th – can you all check your calendars?
Tom Petty sadly can’t make it. Does anyone have the number for David Sylvian’s agent?
Moose the Mooche says
I went round to his house and got the answer: “Dave’s not here.”
Moose the Mooche says
Speaking of which… a demand for justice:
Kaisfatdad says
And when is someone going to create a playlist in honour of our long suffering Admins???
Here is a song for you all! Vintage Genesis: Watcher of the Bries
And here is one for you, Mr Cameron. You had to go but I will miss you.
Moose the Mooche says
Poor old Bri was never one to wield the ratchet. He’s often spannered, but that’s not the same thing.
Lodestone of Wrongness says
I was Dave last night as Bri’s emails tumbled down
Fin59 says
A caricature of his former self. Too often descending into repetition and self-parody. Late night rambles and a foggy, druggy vibe. Past their best but I expect we’ll miss them when they are gone.
Enough about bricameron – here’s The Rolling Stones. Er, wait.Um.
Thief In The Night
Kaisfatdad says
Have an Up, Fin. Hilarious. Could not have put it better myself.
I guess I will always have a little sympathy for the devil
Junior Wells says
Harold Holt says
Alice in Chains – I Stay Away
Aimee Mann – Calling It Quits
Harold Holt says
Train – If You Leave (it’s gonna get a little bit easier to break down)
Tragically Hip – Leave
Mentals – If You Leave Me Can I Come Too ?