Just a short post to say thank you. Some of you may remember had I was made redundant at the beginning of August after 30 years of bookbinding.
Well, today I got home to a message from Royal Mail to say I’ve passed the interview I had last Friday and they have offered me a position as a Postman!
I’d just like to say thank you because you all were very positive and offered some very useful advice which really helped.
I’m really looking forward to being a wage slave again and being a postie will be a lovely new challenge.
Again thank you very much.
PS I’ve ordered the Abbey Road special edition to celebrate!
Big congrats, ip. I always used to work as a postman over the Xmas hols when I was a student, some trazillion years ago, and I still maintain it was the best job I’ve ever had. I loved it.
That was me too. You’ll find it a good fresh start.
Man alive, best Christmas job ever. Free bus pass to work, clock-in at six a.m. Stagger back to bus with a sack slightly larger than Everest. Pop back home for a couple of hours kip. Start delivering then accept offer of cooked breakfast from old Mrs Mathers at No 26. Refuse similar offers from Nos 42, 68 and 104. Accept offer of tea and biscuits from Mrs McRae at No 168 and listen for 30 warm minutes as she tells tales of her life. Finish round around 1230 so time to meet up with my fellow student posties in The Prince of Wales. Back to the depot around 2 to pick up second delivery sack. Finish that about four o’clock. Quick kip then get ready for Friday night with the gang. Underneath my parka I am dressed to kill, I’ll need a stick to beat all those pesky girls off. Clock off at the depot just before seven. That’s thirteen hours hard graft and all of my wages (three weeks, 7 days a week) is tax free. The regular posties all work in the warmth of the depot, all on overtime and so don’t give a flying fuck what those long haired students are doing out there in the wind and snow.
I have a feeling ip33 that it may not be like that these days but still a great job I’ll bet!
Do you also need to order a black and white cat?
Congrats that the redundancy/non-working time was so short
Wonderful news.
Brilliant! Good for you.
And thanks a lot for sharing your good news. Nice to be reminded that our little community can be very supportive.
Great news, ip. Watch out for the dogs nipping your arse inna true comic-strip stylee!
Excellent news! Hope you’re an early riser!
I’m always up early, ooh err missus!
Good for you. What a nice job. **Thinks**
I’ll let you know if it is in a few weeks. The online assessment was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Two columns of postcodes, item codes, telephone numbers with some of them identical across the columns some of them not. All against the clock, I was a gibbering wreck at the end.
I think I’d fail…
What great news. I hope you enjoy the new Abbey Road. I hope Mrs F does, too, as she is* getting it for her birthday present next week.
(*) I am
Make sure other people’s Abbey Rd sets are not delivered late! Congratulations!
Congratulations! It’s still a wonderful job. Enjoy.
That’s First Class. You can have that one.
You’ll be thrilled to know I was once Terry McDermott’s postman for a brief time in the mid 1980’s
Best player for Liverpool at the time.
Unlikely, he was back at Newcastle by 1982.
Still the best perm and tache combination whether he was by The Mersey or by The Tyne
Indeed. He lived up in Northumberland at the time. I once had a registered letter for him, which entailed him coming to the door one early morning bleary eyed and perm rampant.
Bleary eyed and perm rampant…. that’s a description of my regimental crest!
@lesterthenightfly is a postie, so he might be able to pass on some words of wisdom.
Officially jealous – always wanted to be a postman.
Well done IP33 1AA (to use your full name). I got made redundant myself at the beginning of August and managed to get a job a week later at a much better company.
That’s fantastic news. Hope it is going well. Onwards and upwards for both of us!
Oh well played, Tony. Redundancy payment, week’s holiday and no interruption to working life.
And as if the day couldn’t get any better I’ve just read about this
Great news. Congratulations 👍
Well what a great post to read on a Friday evening, big congratulations
That’s fab news and I’m glad they don’t call you ‘Pat’ anymore. (;
Well done, ip. Best of luck with it…
Posties are a noble breed in my experience. Underrated humans.
Good luck feller.
Congratulations and enjoy the new role.
You do realise though, that every time our box sets from Amazon are late, we’ll be complaining to you on here.
Congratulations! My Dad was a postie, then local office manager, all his working life post war. Naturally I did the post at Christmas for several seasons. I once delivered a package to Jimmy Tarbuck. His words of thanks to me were “Fuck Off sonny”. Ah, happy days. Seriously though it’s a great job. My friend Liz became a postie just 3 or 4 months ago and loves it. Mind you she walks 14-18 miles a day and had blisters at first. Stick with it.
Well done. I’m a fan of the work of Glaswegian postie Stuart Murray, it’s not to everyone’s taste but perhaps yours: https://thefolkyebumpintae.wordpress.com
Congratulations and welcome to the firm!
As confirmed by @Gatz earlier in the thread I am a postie and have been for the last 25 years.
It may be a bit knackering for the first couple of weeks but you’ll soon get used to it.
It’s a lot different to when I first joined (no bikes now,later finishes,endless packets) but I still enjoy it (most days!)
And you’ve joined at the right time as we’re balloting for strike action!
Happy posting!!
Thanks for the welcome. The guy at the interview said I will be wondering if I’ve made a terrible mistake after a couple of weeks, but if I get through that I’ll be okay.
I haven’t got a start date yet, I’ll let you know how it goes when I get going.
Hey guys, be careful out there.
(ponced from FB)
Will you get to deliver Abbey Road to yourself?
Next Friday he’ll be obliged to do his entire walk in a white suit and bare feet.
Triffic news, well done! Our postie, Steve, is a brilliant glint of humanity each morning as he parks his bright red van in the close and does the rounds from high numbers down to us at the end in Number 1 – judging from his jolliness, it is definitely possible to enjoy the job, blisters, strikes and all notwithstanding. Happy postie-ing!
A friend said that it’s a shame it’s now marginally too late for you to be wearing the shorts. Why he or she says that I’ve no idea…
How does he or she know how old ip33 is? And they can only be referring to age rather than time of year as round here posties wear shorts in all weathers.
Posties tend to wear shorts in all weathers because wet legs dry off fairly quickly & are preferable to wet trousers.
The postmen in Braintree put in a “sub” to wear shorts every winter & nominate a charity – who get the money when one of them wimps out & goes for long trousers.
I’m a dozen or so miles away from Braintree in Chelmsford, so maybe it’s an Essex thing!
The Indian summer brought some cheeky legs back out on Northern Railway today too, but we start even earlier than the posties, so it won’t last.
Cheeky legs? Blimey – how short are those shorts?
I’ve never lived in Newcastle – on this evidence god knows what posties wear in the winter up there. Mankinis, I expect.
I didn’t comment on your redundancy thread, because Mr Unemployable here had no practical advice to offer, but hearty congratulations! The postpersons I encounter on a regular basis all seem really happy – once you’ve achieved match fitness, I’m sure you’ll be fine.
Just FYI – when it says “photos do not bend” on the envelope, that’s not a challenge.
Also, “Fragile” does not mean it contains a Yes album, so you don’t need to bend that either.
Announced on RadMac too!