We’re all fed up with the whole lockdown business. However, here’s something that is lessening the pain for me. Every Tuesday, at 8pm, piano wunderkind Fergus McCreadie is streaming an hour an a half of piano improvisation from his Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/fergusmccreadiepianist/). It has become my one of my favourite points in the week – I’m already looking forward to tomorrow’s.
Will *you* like it? A fair question. The attached video should give you some idea. And if you like Keith Jarrett’s Koln album… well, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. On the other hand, if the words ‘jazz’ and ‘improvisation’ give you the heebeegeebies, then I’m guessing you won’t.
This has been a public service announcement – with piano.
And here he is with his marvellous trio:
Absolutely wonderful.