On the old blog I wrote a long piece about seeing Bob Dylan live in Sheffield in 1966. After the Afterword site went down the Dylan piece was subsequently picked up by a couple of blog sites and attracted interest from far and wide.
Then I was approached by the BBC to take part in a Radio 4 documentary about the day in question May 16, 1966. It seems that both Blonde and Blonde and Pet Sounds were released on that date.
The documentary goes to air next week.
So Pet Sounds and Blonde On Blonde are half a century old next week. Which one has aged better?
Johnny Concheroo says
And here’s the Dylan article in question
Sniffity says
Nice piece – the nom-de-plume you’ve chosen’s a bit dull, though….some in-joke?
Johnny Concheroo says
Not very imaginative, I know,
garyjohn says
Fantastic piece JC. When’s the programme on R4?
Lodestone of Wrongness says
Loved the article first time round and loved it now.
Never got Pet Sounds in any way, apart that is from the splendour of God Only Knows.
Blonde on Blonde remains the best album ever released.
Johnny Concheroo says
I’m with you 100% there. And thanks.
Johnny Concheroo says
Thanks Gary. It airs next Tuesday at 11.30. I assume that’s AM.
garyjohn says
Cheers. Rock’n’roll’s’ 50% music and 50% hair for you isn’t it?
Johnny Concheroo says
Maybe 60/40
garyjohn says
garyjohn says
Could there ever have been a bald Beatle? Even a slightly receding dome would have spoiled the image. (Notwithstanding the fact they were ‘The Moptops’?)
Anyone with even the beginnings of a sweep-over ‘Bobby Charlton’ – standard response in the 60’s/70’s for blokes who were ‘losing the wool’ – would have been well and truly fucked, no matter how good his songs, witticims, zaniness or ability to keep time were.
A bald Hendrix? Mick wearing a cheap syrup?
There’s a PHD in this subject JC and I think you’re just the man to write it.
Johnny Concheroo says
I know it upsets Junior greatly, but that’s one reason I can’t accept Midnight Oil. Or Rose Tattoo.
garyjohn says
Well, that and the fact they’re shit, of course.
* joke
Johnny Concheroo says
Boom *tish*
garyjohn says
Having said that, there’s been a few deceptions of the ‘Irish’ variety down the years. Your mate, Jeff Beck for a start. He’s reputed to be a chrome and he got away with it.
Then there’s Gary Glitter.
But he, um, didn’t get away with anything as it turned out.
minibreakfast says
Elton John did quite well.
Martin Hairnet says
Ahem. Eno is the man. Eno with aerials is all wrong. He must be bald.
garyjohn says
Yep good shout. Eno DID have hair on first Roxy album sleeve. It was horrible, wispy and retreating. He was a rock pioneer.
garyjohn says
By getting the clippers out…
Tiggerlion says
I first fell in love with Eno in 1972 but I only fully appreciated him when I started going bald myself in 1979. He changed my life. He allowed me to be bald and proud. Who got most lady action in Roxy Music? Who was incredibly creative and a true pioneer, despite being unable to play an instrument?
To repay my gratitude, I buy two copies of every album he releases and I play No Pussyfooting every Sunday and Thursday Afternoon every Thursday afternoon.
ganglesprocket says
Pet Sounds, always. It’s the arrangements for me basically. And the singing. Nothing has sounded quite like Pet Sounds before or since. It’s a magnificent evocation of a period of life, the sensitive teen, that never sounds childish and that never belittles how you felt when young. It’s not dewy eyed either.
Blonde on Blonde, in comparison with Pet Sounds anyway, is just long. Bob Dylan is obviously great, but he’s never been God Only Knows great.
dai says
Having seen Love and Mercy (superb) I dived into Pet Sounds once again. Been my favourite album for about 25 yrs off and on, I Just Wasn’t Made for these Times stood out as the pinnacle of the pinnacle.
BoB is great too though.
deramdaze says
If I want rock ‘n’ roll, I don’t go to Dylan, I go to…..erm…..rock ‘n’ roll.
As such, I simply couldn’t have heard ‘Blonde on Blonde’ for at least 10 years (I’ve heard the group Blonde on Blonde more recently!) but ‘Pet Sounds’, on CD in mono, gets 5 or 6 straight airings every two or three months.
So I’d say ‘Pet Sounds’.
(note – ‘Blonde on Blonde’ still p****s on anything post-60s).
minibreakfast says
Nice to read your article again. But why on earth were his harps kept in a glass of water? Terribly unhygienic. But not as unhygienic as Van’s.
Johnny Concheroo says
Thanks MB.
There’s an awful lot of superstition, old wives tales and general mumbo-jumbo surrounding the ancient art of harmonica playing. I guess because they are one of the most intimate musical instruments readily available to the man/woman in the street – you literally put the thing in your mouth after all – players have all kinds of rituals they believe will get the best out of their harps.
Harmonicas/harps tend to get bunged up with all manner of gunk (spit, mostly) and keeping the reeds clear of blockages is a full-time job. With only 10 holes (totalling 20 notes) available to the player, you can imagine the results if even one of these became blocked.
So, to answer your question, Dylan kept his harps in a glass of water because he believed it stopped the reeds from getting blocked. It almost certainly wasn’t very good for them in the long term, but then he probably bought a new set (all in different keys) every few weeks.
minibreakfast says
Thanks JC.
*pushes Frosties to one side*
Mavis Diles says
Back in that time, all harps had a wooden “comb” (the bit that the reed plates are pinned to, and also the exposed part that you blow into. Soaking the harps in water would cause the wood to expand, thus increasing the size of the chambers, and increasing the volume. It also made bends easier, though Dylan was not really that kind of harp player. The side effect of cleaning out gunk was also beneficial.
Some players still do it, though there is little advantage if you have a metal or plastic comb of course.
Old blues guys used to soak their harps in various alcoholic beverages, supposedly.
Johnny Concheroo says
Yes, good point. I remember that soaking often caused the wood used to swell and expand beyond the front of the harp leaving an uneven surface, making it very painful to run your mouth up and down.
Bingo Little says
Blonde on Blonde. It’s ridiculously good.
retropath2 says
Neither, actually. The standout tracks on each are colossi, without question, but quality control had yet to be invented, and so each have songs of dull old guff and filler. (Strange, the one useful thing Donovan could have invented would have been having more than a few decent songs per long player, but he went the other way, of course.) So BoB is a superb single record and PS an EP.
H.P. Saucecraft says
I’m in the fortunate position of loving both albums equally for wildly different reasons. I don’t have to choose – neither one displaces or negates the other. I listen to both regularly and they sound as vital and contemporary – to me – as they ever did. I wrote a long piece for Ugly Things a while back on Pet Sounds (don’t look for it, it’s not there any more) which I can’t be arsed to replicate here, you’ll be relieved to hear.
Johnny Concheroo says
The Radio 4 documentary is titled simply 16 5 66 (here’s the link in case you missed it in the OP: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b079pqct) because that’s the date both Blonde On Blonde and Pet Sounds were supposedly released.
It’s also the date of the 1966 Dylan concert in Sheffield.
I don’t remember Blonde On Blonde being available until weeks after the concert however, and there seems to be some dispute about that release date. Dylan did perform four songs from the unreleased album on the ’66 tour (4th Time Around, Visions Of Johanna, Just Like A Woman and Leopard Skin Pill Box Hat) so it was the very time time anyone in the audience had heard them.
Johnny Concheroo says
“Very first time”, rather
minibreakfast says
Do give the thread a bump nearer the time, JC. My PVR can’t be set that far ahead, and I’ve a head like a sieve.
Johnny Concheroo says
I will do MB, with a link to the actual Radio 4 show, hopefully.
Junior Wells says
I listen to Pet Sounds more- who objects to Pet Sounds being put on? But, whenever I put on Blonde on Blonde, I’m always chuckling at a particularly clever line or the superb playing of the band.
I think Caroline No is up there with God Only Knows …but who nose.
dai says
Yes, see above. I Just Wasn’t Made for These Times. Album is just perfection even including Sloop John B. BoB is my favourite Dylan album and probably in my personal top 10
Junior Wells says
Conch, did the Beeb see your piece from our site or elsewehre?
Johnny Concheroo says
No, they saw it on the Empty Mirror site (above)
Tiggerlion says
Standing the test of time?
If I was a young teenager, confused and conflicted about girls, I think I could still relate to the beauty and cloying suffocation of Pet Sounds in 2016. After all, I only started listening to it ten years after it was released. The practicalities of Wouldn’t It Be Nice are dated but the unfulfilled desire is timeless.
Blonde On Blonde remains tremendous. It’s funny, it’s dynamic, it’s weird and it stands repeated listening, many, many times over (provided you have a decent copy – Bob didn’t seem to care about CDs). It benefits for a reduction in the lyrical intensity of his previous albums. It’s the sound of Bob Dylan enjoying being a rock star and the drugs that come with the role.
However, neither can hold a candle to Revolver.
*Runs away*
ianess says
‘Practicalities are dated’. Me no understand.
Johnny Concheroo says
1966 was a landmark year for life-changing albums right enough.
Pet Sounds
Blonde On Blonde
Mothers -Freak Out
Incredible String Band debut
Byrds – 5D
Donovan – Sunshine Superman
Bert Jansch – Jack Orion
Cream – Fresh Cream
and of course:
The Beano Album
minibreakfast says
Never heard of that last one. Could you tell us a little about it, JC? 🙂
Johnny Concheroo says
*cracks knuckles*
Well, it’s like this you see. Gather round children and…..(drifts off in a reverie)
Johnny Concheroo says
And by an amazing coincidence @minibreakfast, I was out shopping today when I spotted this in a record store. It’s a new reissue of course on Sundazed label for the outrageous price of A$48 (that’s ÂŁ24.50). They’re taking the piss, surely? It’s not even based on the UK Decca pressing, but a copy of the less desirable US London label version
minibreakfast says
Yikes! HMV have it for ÂŁ11.99 here.
Johnny Concheroo says
The tyranny of distance MB. And a shitload of import duty.
minibreakfast says
I wasn’t suggesting you buy one, just showing off. You probably have enough copies, I suspect 🙂
Johnny Concheroo says
Just the three vinyl copies MB (one of which is in the frame I posted here recently) plus the deluxe double CD.
Tiggerlion says
Some bloke wrote a book about rock music in 1966 (before the one about 1971 but after the one about 1965). I find it unreadable.
Tiggerlion says
It regards marriage as the way to fulfil their desire. These days, the kids wouldn’t bother with a piece of paper or a ceremony.
Locust says
Even through years of Word/Afterword regular discussions and mentions of it, I’ve yet to listen to Pet Sounds. Every time I hear a Beach Boys song I like it, but there is something about them as a band that fails to raise my curiosity. I don’t know why.
But at this point, my non-curiosity about Pet Sounds has accumulated into a brick wall of disinterest, so I predict I won’t bother in my years ahead either.
My loss, I know.
I love Bob. And BoB.
Johnny Concheroo says
I’m tempted to say you’re not missing much.
But then I would never say such a thing.
count jim moriarty says
I love Blonde On Blonde, but Pet Sounds is simply my favourite album of all time – its brilliance will never fade. I still remember fondly the first time I played the stereo mix from the box set (on headphones) – the moment the first vocals came in on Wouldn’t It Be Nice brought a tear to this cynical old eye.
deramdaze says
I’m not sure if it’s because it’s misunderstood or just plainly not liked, but I’ve got about 8 second-hand copies of ‘Pet Sounds’ compared to, say, my 3 or 4 ‘Forever Changes’, or the solitary copy of ‘Blonde on Blonde’.
Maybe that’s why I’m always playing it, it’s always close to hand!
Johnny Concheroo says
It’s the other way round for me. 8 vinyl copies of Blonde On Blonde and only a vinyl and CD copy of Pet Sounds
dai says
Pet Sounds
1 70s vinyl
2 Double LP with Carl and the Passions
3 Double mono/stereo coloured vinyl reissue
4 1990 CD
5 Pet Sounds Sessions box set
6 Audio Fidelity gold CD
7 DVD audio surround
8 Pet Sounds Live (Brian Wilson)
Blonde on Blonde
1 70s vinyl
2 original UK mono vinyl
3 Mono vinyl reissue
4 CD, edited to fit on one side
5 Double SACD/CD dual layer
Johnny Concheroo says
Johnny Concheroo says
Here’s seven of ’em
dai says
MC Escher says
SELOTL was probably a revoulutionary thing at the time. Now, well, it just goes on a bit, doesn’t it?
Lodestone of Wrongness says
Pet Sounds is just a boring record that hasn’t stood the test of time: play it to a 20 year-old today and you would get “What is this shit?”. Play Blonde on Blonde and you would get “What is this?”
ip33 says
And when they say “What is this shit?” you punch them full in the face and forbid them to listen any music ever again.
Lodestone of Wrongness says
That is true but also true
chiz says
Hey Concheroo – you’re on my radio!
Johnny Concheroo says
So it seems. Hope I didn’t come across like too much of a twat?
Bingo Little says
You’ve never let that stop you previously ; )
Johnny Concheroo says
Wise words Bingo. Wise words.
minibreakfast says
Just listened, good stuff JC.
Johnny Concheroo says
Thanks so much mini
Johnny Concheroo says
I think, in hindsight, they tried to cram too much into 30 mins. Each of those albums requires more than half an hour to do it justice, never mind trying to cover both in that time.
H.P. Saucecraft says
Couldn’t get it in Siam, Johnny. Any chance of you posting a transcript as a comment?
Johnny Concheroo says
I think it might lose something in the transcript HP.